eclaring transactions by a company to be avoided on the ground they were at an undervalue, were an unlawful preference or created a floating charge for insufficient consideration.[26] The cash flow test is

The causes of corporate failure, at least in the market segment of the economy, all begin of the creation of credit and debt.[19] Occasionally excessive debts are run up through outright embezzlement of the company's assets or fraud by the people who run the business.[20] Negligent mismanagement, which is found to breach the duty of care, is also sometimes...

sonal injury. When the company has no money left, and nobody else can be sued, the creditors may take over the company's management. Creditors usually appoint an insolvency practitioner t

Companies are legal persons, created by registering a constitution and paying a fee, at Companies House. Like a natural person, a company can incur legal duties and can hold rights. During its life, a company must have a board of directors, which usually hires employees. These people represent the company, and act on its behalf. They can use and deal...

act on its behalf. They can use and deal with property, make contracts, settle trusts, or maybe through some misfortune commission torts. A company regularly becomes indebted through all of these ev

Corporate insolvencies happen because companies become excessively indebted. Under UK law, a company is a separate legal person from the people who have invested money and labour into it, and it mediates a series of interest groups.[15] Invariably the shareholders, directors and employees' liability is limited to the amount of their investment, so...